This week we went to Québec City for our monthly Zone Training which was amazing. Our Mission President talked about Faith and how it's the important first step for all of us, because faith leads to obedience, which leads to sacrifices, which results in keeping commitments, which results in real intent. Faith is a principle of action and of power. As missionaries we testify of the Savior and invite the Spirit into the lives of others to help them develop faith. Faith to pray with real intent to have the strength and the courage to follow the guidance of our Heavenly Father. Faith to bring about repentance and obedience.
The more I've learned about faith the more I realize how much I struggle with it. I know our Heavenly Father lives and I know Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. I know this church is true without any doubt in my mind. The struggle I have and that I realize a lot of the people in Rimouski have is that it's hard to follow the promptings of the Spirit when it concerns something we are scared of or are uncomfortable with.
I like how Elder Golden said it back in October when he visited. He said that discipleship isn't easy. If we understand faith and following the Spirit then we'd better buckle up because we are going for a ride. Heavenly Father knows who we can become and He has a way for us to get there. To reach our potential there are things we will and must struggle with that we have to work through and overcome.
Through prayer we receive spiritual knowledge and are guided by the Holy Ghost. The things we are prompted to do may not be easy for us but that's where our faith is tested. To see if we trust God enough to know that anything He tells us to do is for our benefit and will leave us better than when we started. I'm still working on that part and I hope you all are too. As hard as it is I know Heavenly Father loves us and wants what is best for us. We will go through difficult times and face all sorts of temptations and trials, but I know that He will always prepare a way for us to accomplish the thing He asks of us. 1 Nephi 3:7. It probably wasn't easy for Nephi and his brothers to travel for a few weeks to return to Jerusalem, get the plates, and come back, but Nephi knew the Lord would provide so he went willingly and did what the Lord asked him to do.
I hope I will reach that point in my life and hopefully while on my mission to be able to act immediately and swiftly to anything the Spirit prompts me to do, whether it be a house to knock on or a person to talk to. A lot of the time we, unknowingly, are the answer to another's prayer. We as members are constantly on the Lord's errand. As we increase ourselves spiritually through prayer, scripture study, and striving to be good people, we will be strengthened and we will have a greater trust in the Lord and greater courage to do anything He asks of us.
I love you all and am so grateful for your examples in my life. You have each been an answer to my prayers throughout my life and I am forever grateful for that. You are the greatest family and friends anyone could ask for.
I pray for you all everyday to have the strength to continue in faith and to be able to overcome anything that comes your way. I pray that we all can become greater instruments for our Heavenly Father to use to advance His work. Stay strong, stay faithful! Know that I love you all!
Elder DiReda
-MTC brothers, Elder Valencia et Elder Buck
-Elder Shaw and I with the Ste Foy Elders, Elder Noorda and Elder Morris