This week was the last week in the transfer so we received transfer calls! I will be staying in the boonies of Rimouski and my companion/trainer Elder Shaw will be going to Montréal to be a Zone Leader. So this week we will again return to Québec City.
This week we were able to meet with our members quite a bit. We helped the Dupont's and Worner's put in their new washing machine and I, under the direction of Salomé (the Worner's 4 year old daughter) cut out a door and window in the washing machine's box to make a house. It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself ;).
We met with our two investigators Sarah and Noémie this week and we had a good discussion on the commandments and how they aren't restrictions but rather a path to blessings. For example we talked about abstaining from alcohol and how to some people they see that as restricting them from partying and having fun with their friends, but in reality when we refrain from drinking we avoid the consequences that come from losing control of our judgement when we drink too much and we also have corresponding health benefits.
It was a really good discussion and they asked really good questions. They are progressing and learning so much. It's so incredible how much they are doing on their own. We went to Québec City this week for Zone Training so we were gone from Thursday afternoon through Saturday afternoon. We had a lot of fun. In the training we were instructed on goal setting and on accountability. What struck me from this training was how the two go together. With goal setting the focus was on centering our goals on Christ and relying on revelation and inspiration when making the goals and in working towards them. For me the tie in was when, after a long day of working towards a particular goal, we pray at night and give an accounting to the Lord of our day and all that we did toward accomplishing our goal.
We report on the things we did that worked well and the things that maybe didn't work so well. From there as each day goes by we work harder to maximize the things that work well and fix or eliminate the things that didn't work so well. Each day is an improvement. Thinking about it, it seems really basic, but for some reason it really struck me when they taught it at our Zone Training. For me it was a reminder to continuously try harder to be better each day. It's far too easy to get stuck in a rhythm and to become comfortable in a routine, but it's important to continuously look for things we can improve on and change.
After the training we went and ate poutine with the Elders assigned to serve in St. Foy. It was really good. Interesting fact about poutine: when you are really hungry it is extremely good. However, after it is digested it sits in your stomach like a rock and acts as a triple dose of tryptophan. After poutine, we changed and went mall contacting for a bit then we met a less-active member for dinner.
We went back to his home and talked with him and his dad. I've been able to visit these two twice now since I've been on my mission and something I love is each time we are there before we can say or start any lesson the dad will always ask if we can have a spiritual picnic. When we have spiritual picnics we talk about a favorite scripture or an experience we've had. This time we talked on Moroni 10:3-5. We focused on three things in these verses: 1) It's up to each individual person to learn for themselves if the Book of Mormon is true 2) The Holy Ghost will answer our prayers to know if it's true if the person asking is sincere and 3) By the power of the Holy Ghost we will know the truthfulness of all things.
What I love about the third point we talked about was the word choice. The truthfulness of all things. We won't necessarily understand all things, but by the power of the Holy Ghost we will know the truthfulness of all things. This is an important aspect of the scripture because each person will have questions or maybe a few doubts about aspects of the church here and there, but what this scripture teaches is that although we may not understand completely or totally agree, through the Holy Spirit we can know of its truthfulness.
What an important process in the development of faith. To have something we struggle to understand and accept and then know of its truthfulness. Then comes the trial of faith as to whether or not we will act and live according to the principle even if we don't completely comprehend it.
All in all it was a really good week with good lessons both taught and received. That's what I love about being a missionary. I learn just as much as I teach.
I love you guys and hope you all have an amazing week! As always stay safe, stay faithful, and know that you are loved dearly by Our Father in Heaven.